[2022.1.17] Auckland January Junior Singles Tournament 2022 – 12 & Under Boys Singles


Date: 17 Jan to 20 Jan 2022
Venue: Scarbro Tennis Centre, Auckland, New Zealand
Website: Tennis New Zealand – Auckland January Junior Singles Tournament 2022

About my opponents

What kind of characteristics did Zacharia Dalzell feel as a player? What kind of tennis should I play to win?

Zacharia Dalzell / Won: 6-2, 6-4

Mikey has a one-handed backhand that I think is pretty good. He has so much topspin on his backhand. He hits crosscourt for his forehand 99% so I always cover that side.
He has a spin serve that bounces on the right side from my angle. The way to beat him is by just getting the ball deep to his backhand, do that 70% and you won’t lose against him.

What kind of characteristics did Alec Hampson feel as a player in the second game? What kind of tennis should I play to win?

Alec Hampson / Lost: 0-6, 4-6

He is a super defensive player and he loves hitting the ball slowly, so I tried to do Serve and Volley but the shots he hit are a looping ball so it is hard for me to volley. He is good at choosing defense and attack. When he hits a normal ball, I hit it fast and deep, then a normal player would hit it back short but he does moon ball immediately.

About my Tennis

How did I feel about my body during the match?

I won the first match 6-2 6-4, and I think it was a pretty good match. I got the 1st set easy on the, but when it was 3-1 on the 2nd set he took a game and it was 5-1 which made me nervous, and from the start, I was only thinking of winning the match and in the 1st set the feeling was in good use but from the 2nd set I wasn’t able to control it well enough. I needed to use more volley and I know I have to, but I just can’t I am too scared to miss.

What was my skill during the match?


I had strong serve and consistency. I had so much consistency in the 1st match, but in the 2nd match, I started doing double faults but had so much power, and I got many 1 shot to serve points.


I brushed up too much, so I needed to hit through the ball then I have to brush. I went cross-court a lot because it is easy to generate power, but then when I tried to go down the line it was hard and I did side-outs, so I better fix that.


I did my weight forward and I did my stance a little wider and then I went cross, and it was very powerful.


I had a good volley and I was able to hit it in different directions, I could have stepped 2 feet forward and hit it down/angle more.

How did I feel about my mental health during the match?

Alec, I didn’t have any feeling to win or lose the only feeling I had was just to end the game quickly and just go home. But in the 2nd set, I tried to at least get a game and just play my game even if I lose and I was able to get 4 games.

Zacharia, I got the 1st set easy on the, but When it was 5-0 on the 2nd set he took a game and it was 5-1 which made me nervous, and from the start, I was only thinking of winning the match and in the 1st set the feeling was in good use but from the 2nd set I wasn’t able to control it well enough

What was my confidence about during the match?

I only did 1 double fault in the whole entire match, and even my opponent was surprised when I did my first double fault in the 2nd set. My footwork was incredible I was doing tap tap on the floor so much, and I got many volleys he hits by running, and I thought it was great.

I was full swing my backhand and my weight was going forward, so it had so much power. I was able to change the game rhythm when I am losing, and I was hitting the ball just like I normally do.

I ran for every ball and I didn’t care even if I won’t make it, I gave it a try. I aimed where am I going to hit and it worked very well.

What was I worried about during the match?

  1. I shouldn’t say ‘match point’ when it is because it might give pressure to the opponent, but it is also giving pressure to yourself too.
  2. I have to hit a ball the has more shape.
  3. I want to be able to aim my backhand good just like my forehand.
  4. I need to hit the ball 20cm front that way I can put more topspin on the ball, but when the ball is high I can’t brush, so I need to get back, and use footwork, to recover and hit the ball at my strike zone.
  5. I hit the ball 90% all the time so I need to hit 70% or 80% when I am just regularly rallying.
  6. I want to have a better drop shot, and I need to be able to pass the opponent when they come to the net.
  7. I have to play my game because Alec is used to his game and if I play his game too, of course, I will lose.
  8. I should have hit Alec’s backhand more, I kept hitting Alec’s forehand which gave him a chance to attack.
  9. Alec was able to win because he knows when to attack and when to defend very well, and when I hit a good shot deep he does moonball immediately.

Looking back on the match, if I could coach (advice) myself in the match, what would I like to convey?

I need to do play my style even if I lose and, even if I lose 5-7 or 0-6 it is the opponent’s difference. I want to go and hit 3 balls through because right now I am hitting the late and I am not getting enough spin and power. I want to brush the ball more and hit topspin not flat, and when there is a high ball step back, and hit.

What do I want to improve and practice before the next game?

  1. I want to hit the ball at the front more and be able to brush the ball more (Hand feeding forward and backward).
  2. More powerful serve. (Bring down my left hand and generate more power)
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