[2021.12.11] Sparta (3 matches in 1 day)

Kohtaro Sai logo Academy/Squad

To start off I would like to say, I played 3 matches.

  1. Singles – Against Jacobs / Lost 2-4
  2. Doubles with Levi Wu – Against Coach Carlos and a short girl / Lost 0-4 
  3. Doubles with Claire Bedford – Against Samara Robin and a short girl / Won 4-0
  1. Singles – Against Jacobs / Lost 2-4
    He can only hit forehand. He was hitting backhand, but it was not going in. When he hit his backhand 90% it goes out. There was a lot of wind so I used moon ball to aim to his backhand, but I don’t know if he is used to it, but he is so fast at inside out forehand. He comes around like 10 out of 10. And to top it all off he is attacking my backhand side, with heavy Nadal ball. I did so many unforced error that was not needed. Next time I want to play him on a sunny hard court tennis. I will aim his backhand with fast flat balls so he can’t do inside out.
    I also want my backhand to be more powerful and more use able attack weapon, cause right now I keep doing moonball and using it as a defence weapon. One more thing, I have to thing I can’t do much cause if I think I can do a lot, I am going to get angry when I can’t do it.
  2. Doubles with Levi Wu – Against Coach Carlos and a short girl / Lost 0-4
    Coach carlos was too good…
    when levi was receiving carlos comes in and fake hit levi, and I move in to the middle cause I think he is gonna hit it to levi, but he just tose to me and I can’t get the ball. Levi was in the right spot, and he was carrying me for the whole match, he was defending and passing/ attacking in the right time and in the way. I wasn’t split stepping, so when carlos’s serve came it is a kick so I have to move my foot, but I was not moving.
  3. Doubles with Claire Bedford – Against Samara Robin and a short girl / Won 4-0
    I was backing Clarie up, She did 2 double faults, and I only did one. When I was at the net I was unstoppable, cause I kept going to the right position, and kept backing claire up. My serve was consistent, but slow I was afraid to hit a slow serve cause I thought she might get a return ace, but then I realized that if claire covers so much of the allies and I go to the middle the receiver can;t do anything about it.
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