[2022.4.28] Noah Tennis Academy


There were three of us today and I did training to make my shot heavier and more powerful. we did a training that makes my legs hurt and I was filled with 100% power and I felt like I can hit many fast shots.

What we did today

  • I did serve to warm up and it was a great time because we did serve yesterday and it was like a review of yesterday and I was doing very good.
  • After that I did 15 min match with Konosuke and I won 3-0 it was just a time limit match, and I started off with my services and realized I went further than my zone because my serve was so fast and my 2nd serve was so consistent and I didn’t do any double fault. what I was thinking was that I should do my tose more right and then I will be able to relax my shoulder, I need to keep my hand higher than my shoulder then I will be able to hit higher over the net and I will more first serve.
  • I need to be able to hit a fast shot and a slow shot because I know how to hit a slow and topspin ball but I kinda forgot how to hit a fast forehand.
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