[2021.12.15] Lavie Camp


Preparation before the camp

  1. Hit the ball deep, with topspin or else the opponent will attack
  2. Go aggrieved don’t get weak just cause they are better than you
  3. Just because they are better than me, it doesn’t make me any less smart
  4. Try think of strategy to beat them because you have to have brain not just power and skill
  5. Say comon more than usual don’t be scared  
  6. Center theory, don’t risk it.
Lavie Tennis Academy

After the camp

There were 12 people including myself and coach. These were the people, Damien, Delas, Pranav, Jark, Kai, Samara, Min Su, Lucas, William, Finn, Chris coach, and me. Today’s focus was Being comfortable on net plays.

Good news

  • My serve was awesome so consistent.
  • I played doubles with jark and our combination was perfect.
  • I was fast at running, so I carried Finn James when we were playing doubles together.
  • My position in tennis was better than I thought.
  • I was able to hit the ball deep and make sure to push the opponent back so that they don’t attack.

Bad news

  • My takeback was late, so I wasn’t able to hit back against fast shots.
  • For backhand volley down the line, I tend to get late and I miss.
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