[2021.12.14] Academy on Tuesday

Blockhouse Bay Tennis Club Academy/Squad

To start off there were 7 people in the academy. Audrey, Tommy, Sofie, Emily, Karen, Raven, and me. We did singles and a volley vs stroke doubles game. I did 2 double faults in 1 game which is unacceptable. I don’t do net anymore for serve I do a lot of over, and do faults. I want to shake the opponent and hit the faster ball.

Today I was thinking of hitting the ball high part of the net and using Center Theory, it did work, but I wasn’t able to finish when I move the opponent to the side. As you know: Center Theory rule You keep hitting to the middle because they will have to risk if they want to shake me aside, and I won’t really miss because I am hitting the low part of the net. When they move their weight to the side and get off balance, you hit a fastball to the other side. But today I was doing perfectly-being consistent and hitting the high part of the net, but not being able to do the last step.

Good things

  • stayed consistant
  • hit high part of the net.
  • Move my foot all time.
  • Did my serve tose in a good spot.
  • was able to hit the ball at the front.

Things I couldn’t do

  • My volley were absolutly trash, I couldn’t do a drop volley or a fast attack volley
  • I couldn’t hit fast shots.
  • Return other people’s good serve it goes on my frame which mean my foot is not working.


I did center theory, but it didn’t exactly work out the way I wanted because I wasn’t able to do the last step which is hitting the ball hard to the other side.

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