We booked a court for 2 hours and we went there at 8:40 am and we did warm up like skipping rope and tube till 9 am.
We did serve, stroke, return serve, and one-handed backhand.
What I learned
- When I do my serve warm-up, start from throwing the ball up high from your shoulder to the opposite court you will be able to hit your serve more naturally.
- I need to focus on my shoulder going up high when I serve don’t think about hitting my serve hard at all.
- I tose always go to the right and I want to keep my tose in the correct place which is above my head.
- When I hit my forehand crosscourt too back, so I need to hit my contact point a little more forward.
- I should focus on going forwards and forwards because I get back when I get scared, and I end up giving an opponent a chance ball.
- When I get pushed by the opponent I shouldn’t tap the ball, in practice try to do over when I get pushed and make the habit of hitting the ball deep.
- When I am getting shaken side to side my leg joined doesn’t load when I hit at the court in fitness time it does focus on that.
- Do more backhand crosscourt, I have a bad habit of only hitting down the line when I hit my forehand.
- For one-handed backhand, I am good at hitting my stomach high but not so good at low ones so bend my leg and drive it up.
- Go forward too for a one-handed backhand.