[2022.3.20] Practice session at Tarumi


Today I was the best at the practice, and it felt GREAT, it was for the starter and I was the star at the moment I played doubles with people and it was very fun! I was mostly at the baseline.

What I am going to do for the next session

  1. I am going to not wait till the ball comes down. I am going to have my takeback set already so that when the ball is at the highest place, I can hit.
  2. I am going to put more topspin on my forehand and swing hard even if it is not a flat ball.
  3. I am going to focus on not doing net I can’t do net only over and side out.
  4. I want to go a bit front when I am going to do volley that way I will be able to hit harder volleys.
  5. I am going to focus on bending my leg because I will be able to brush down to up.
  6. I am going to focus on bending my leg when I am moving around the court.
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